This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Nyborg Skole, Trondheim

Nyborg Skole was opened in 2005 as one of 54 primary and secondary schools in Trondheim and is governed more or less autonomously. There are about 280 pupils (from the age of 6 to 13) and 35 members of staff. The head teachers in the com­munity are organised in a network to support each other and share experiences and competencies. Once a month topics like school development, economic decisions and personnel ma­nagement are discussed. Furthermore, there are visits to other schools in the region and seminars.

Nyborg is an integrative and "open space"-school. Teachers work in teams of two or three and share responsibility for lesson content and social development of their pupils. It aims at em­phasising the arts, cultural and outdoor activities.

An important task of a head teacher is to make use of the re­sources of the staff, such as being able to offer educational activities before and after school and during the holidays. Employees who are involved in these activities have different educational back­grounds. The most important task of the head teacher lies in linking educational and leisure offers.

For more information, please visit

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